Saturday, 29 September 2012

A Quick Update

Good evening my wonderful readers,
Hoping you are all having a great weekend.
Apologies for my absence of late. I have been working on various projects, both at work and in my personal life. Which has left me with not much in the tank; both physically and mentally. So unfortunately, my Blog has been poorly neglected.
Yesterday I attended a conference for work at Customs House in Circular Quay, Sydney. The conference was called LiveWire and it is Local Government professionals who come together to build leadership capacity, gain valuable skills, learn how to influence positive change and network with others.
LiveWire 2012

The conference was a great day and I am still on a high and feeling invigorated.
Partly due to the conference itself and what I got out of it; but also because I stepped out of my comfort zone and challenged myself, it’s a great feeling and I am proud of myself.
I absolutely loved heading to Sydney for the conference. At first I was a little nervous heading off to the big smoke. My sense of direction is hopeless and so I tend to get lost from time to time. I don’t own a GPS because I have a husband who is a walking GPS, so I normally don't need one. But lucky for me, a co-worker was heading to the conference with me and he was pretty city-savvy.

Sydney is an amazing city filled with life! I loved experiencing life if the fast corporate lane, even if only for 24 hours.

View from my hotel room
Customs House is an incredible place, so rich in history. It was initially constructed in 1844-1845 and served as headquarters of the Customs Service until 1900. Nowadays Customs House is a venue for events and private exhibitions and is also the home to the City of Sydney Library.

Customs House
Convict David O’Connor, from the First Fleet, was hanged on site in 1790 and it is rumoured that his ghost still haunts Customs House wandering around, offering people rum. I was on the lookout for him, but can’t say I saw him.

So long story short, just dropping by to let you all know I haven't disappeared but I am working on a new post for my blog, which I hope to have up this weekend. Hoping to share some of what I learnt from the motivational speakers at the conference.

 Sarah x

Monday, 10 September 2012

The Power Of Words

Words are the most powerful form of communication we have. They provoke so many emotions in us - love, hate, anger, joy, confusion, sadness, happiness, lust. The list goes on. Words can be used to build people up, to encourage and praise. Or can be used to bring people down and to be destructive. 

It’s amazing the power they have over us.
As human beings we are vulnerable creatures. Words might not be able to break bones, but they can be just as damaging and can leave scars of their own. 

Always remember - Once words are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

In today’s modern tech-savvy age, social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter are a great way of communicating, providing they are used properly and not abused. However, they can promote a false sense of confidence resulting in people being vindictive without fear of the consequences of their words, as they have something to hide behind.

For me personally, I follow the rule if I wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, then I don’t say it on social media like Facebook or Twitter, regardless of whether I know the person or not. 

There have been a few incidents over the last little while that has lead me to write this post. Peoples' words and actions have been spiteful or thoughtless, usually it has upset me and gotten me down.

Usually! But not anymore. I am not going to give their words the power to hurt me. I am making a conscious decision to be the bigger person in those situations and rise above it. Along with also choosing not to let their spite and negativity bring me down.

I actually feel sorry for them, that they think it is ok to act like that, to be so petty and childish. They are not very flattering qualities in a person, but then again, some people’s true colours aren’t very flattering.

Remember, what you say reflects who you are. Be mindful of your words; the effects they will have, or how someone will take them. Never underestimate the effect your words can have on others, so be careful with them and use them wisely.

Do not let others treat you poorly or bring you down with their words, for any reason at all. I know I don’t deserve to be treated that way, so these days I don’t put up with it. It’s as easy as that. If you let someone treat and speak to you poorly and don’t remove yourself from them, you are sending a message that behaviour is ok.

I’m not saying I am perfect in all of this, my record is definitely not clean. But I am learning from those mistakes and from the words I wish I hadn’t said and could take back. I am learning and trying to not let my words and actions be destructive to others.

Think to a time when you have received praise or a compliment. How did it make you feel? Was it all warm fuzzy? Did your confidence sky rocket? Did it put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step?

Now think of a time when someone has said something nasty. How embarrassed and hurt did it make you feel? Did that one comment make all of your self-doubt and insecurities come bubbling to the surface?

Which of those would you rather experience?

How much better is the feeling of knowing you’ve made someone’s day? That you have either motivated, inspired or encouraged them? It’s much nicer to know the words you have spoken have brought meaning to someone and boosted their self-esteem and confidence. I know I would rather have that feeling, then knowing I have hurt someone and done damage with my words.

Keep that in mind the next time you go to say something you shouldn’t. Like many of our mothers have said a thousand times – “if you haven’t got anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!”

I personally believe when you think about someone, or think of something nice about them, you should let that person know. Send them a message, call them or send an email, whatever. Just let them know. Because what is the point of thinking it if you don’t let them know? That person may be in need of a hearing it.

So today I leave you with these final words:

Today will never come again.
Be a blessing. Be a friend.
Encourage someone.
Take time to care. Let your words heal, and not wound.
Today you have been given the greatest gift of all.....LIFE!
Live it with intention, purpose and gratitude.
Be kind to one another.

Till next time,
Sarah xox