Hey Readers,
Last week was a busy week for me, lots going on at work, socially and home life.
As well as growing older and celebrating a birthday, it was a week of reflection as well.
5 years ago last week, we lost my Pop. He died unexpectedly and suddenly. One minute he was here and the next he wasn’t.
We had just sat down for dinner when Mum received the phone call from Nan. Still to this day, that phone call and what happened after still haunts me. In an instant, our lives had been shaken and turned upside down.
Earlier that afternoon, I had been at Nan & Pop’s cutting their hair and having afternoon tea. I remember Pop being as cheeky as ever and trying to sneak in a glass of wine before dinner, and giving Nan cheek saying “I’m an old man and I deserve a wine or two”.
That was my last memory of him; a few short hours later, he was gone. There were no chances to say goodbye.
When thinking back over the 5 years since Pop’s been gone, there’s been many highs and lows. There’s been struggles, joy, tribulations, celebrations and loss. Life has happened! Time doesn’t stop, it continues and life goes on.
From Pop’s passing, I have learnt to appreciate and look at the smaller moments in life. That last memory I have of Pop, at the time seemed like a small moment. It’s now a precious memory that I often think back on and smile about.
I now realise those small moments are what make up your life. When you are so busy those small, precious moments can often pass you by.
Small moments for me are ones that usually would go unnoticed and you wouldn’t think twice about. They are moments that make me smile.
a hug from my husband
a smile from a stranger
enjoying a great cup of coffee
hearing a favourite song at the right time
stillness that comes with rain
quiet peaceful moments
a beautiful sunrise or sunset
a long conversation with my best friend
lighting candles and the way the light flickers
a gesture of kindness
family dinners
a walk on the beach with my husband and dog
laughing at nothing with my sister
when you stop and realise how perfect a moment is
I hope you all have a great weekend, enjoy the time with family and friends. Remember to stop and appreciate the smaller moments.
Till next time,