Saturday 4 August 2012

Random Info About Me...

Hey readers,
Hoping you are all well and enjoying your weekend.
Thought I would do something a little different for this post.
I wanted to do something so you could get to know me a little better and to reveal the inner working of my mind. So I have found some random questions and answered them.
I would love to hear some of your answers, even if it’s only a few. So leave comments with your answers.
I hope you enjoy.
  1. Use 3 words to describe yourself:
A walking contradiction
  1. If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be?
I would love to throw a 1940’s style themed party! I am obsessed with the style of the 1940’s. It was an elegant, glamorous and romantic era.

  1. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
This is a hard one…. I think my life keeps getting better with age!
But if I had to pick it would be my age now, 26.
By age 26:
I have - learnt a lot, grown, matured, achieved great things.
I am - married, in love, successful, stable, happy, content, confident and happy with who I am.
  1. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
My Mum, because she is always right! I honestly don’t’ know how she does it????
  1. If you could go back to any decade, what decade would it be any why?
The 1940’s!
I love the history, the lifestyle and culture, the big swinging bands, the dancing, the style, the fashion and hairstyles. I love it all and am absolutely fascinated by it.  
It was an era where women acted & dressed like ladies and men like gentleman. It was an era where chivalry still existed and was a time of romance!

  1. If you could learn to do anything or be anything, what would it be?
I would love to be a writer!

  1. Something new you have brought this week?
I brought myself a pod coffee machine! I am in love….

  1. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
Well I already have had a name change. Originally I was going to be called Holly, but when I was born my older sister always loved to sing “Sarah” by Jefferson Starship, so my Mum & Dad fell in love with the name Sarah and named me it instead.
  1. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
Alive - The Queen. I think she is a fascinating woman who has achieved so much in her life. Her life history is incredible.
Dead – Shakespeare. To tell him I am a big fan of his work. I’d love to have a coffee with him and talk about his work.
  1. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
I would buy an expensive bottle of champagne. And probably another lottery ticket!
  1. If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?
The answer to how to successfully grow a money tree?
  1. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Hmmm, a tough one……… but would have to go with Superwoman! Love to look that good in a leotard.
  1. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
In some of my pictures, people often say Katy Perry or Lily Allen. Think it’s the dark hair?
  1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet or a hairdresser - which I was for 6 years.
  1. What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
I am a big crier! I tear up over a book or show all the time, just ask my Husband.
But the most recent time was while watching an episode of One Tree Hill….. Haley had just given birth to Lydia. Brooke was holding Lydia and crying trying/pretending she was happy, but really she was crying because the adoption of another baby girl born at the same time had fallen through for Brooke. Gets me every time!
  1. What do you miss most about being a kid?
The lack of responsibility! It’s hard work being an adult.
  1. What is your favourite memory of being a kid?
All my Christmases! They were such a magical time. Mum is a big Christmas fan and both she and Dad would go to extremes making it special for my sister and I.
At the start of every December our house would be turned into a Christmas extravaganza! Dad would be working on the outside decorating the lawn and stringing up Christmas lights. While Mum and us girls would tackle the inside.
There was no inch of the outside of our house not covered in lights. No walls inside were left uncovered from tinsel. The tree would be decked out with a mixture of ornaments - from new store brought ones, to some Mum had inherited and to ornaments my sister and I had made.
Christmas day would see my sister and I getting up at the crack of dawn to see if Santa had been. We were not only eager to see if he had left presents, but see if he had ate his cookies, drunk his milk, and left us a letter.
We always thought that Santa’s writing was really messy. (Later we would discover he was writing left handed! As did the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny!)
We would pick up presents and feel them to see if we could guess what they were. Then we would proceed to wait and wait and wait, then eventfully giving up and go and jump on Mum and Dad to wake them up!
Christmas Day would be spent half with each side of the family. We would play, eat and laugh all day long! Looking back now, especially with loved some loved ones gone, I appreciate just how special those Christmases were.
  1. What is something you learned in the last week?
That I have been pronouncing the word salivate completing wrong! I was pronouncing it sal-va-tate instead of sal-i-vate.
  1. What story does your family always tell about you?
There are 2:
The first being the time the self-serving soft ice cream machine got stuck at Sizzlers!
They think I was being a porky serving myself a massive serving of ice cream, but the machine honestly got stuck and I couldn’t stop it! To this day they still don’t believe me but it was the honest truth.
The second story is how I got my nick name “Smasher” – let’s just say that I was a bit of a chubby baby/kid and was a little rough. I use to break a lot of things and walk through things instead of around. I was permanently covered in bruises!
  1. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
Florence and The Machine “Never Let Me Go”.
  1. What is one of your favourite quotes?
Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi
  1. What is your favourite sport to play or watch?
Netball! It is my passion, I love it.
I have been playing ever since I was 5 and will keep playing until my body or age stops me.
  1. Who is your favourite artist?
Leonid Afremov - impressionistic artist who works mainly with a palette knife and oils.

  1. What sound do you love?
The sound of rain! There is something so tranquil & calming about it. I could sit and listen to it for hours.
  1. What is your favourite season, author or book, movie, band or singer?
Season: Autumn. I love the colours the tree’s turn and the weather is perfect.
Colour: Hot Pink
Book: I am a book worm so this is a hard one!
One of my favourite authors would have to be Philippa Gregory. In particular her Tudor series and The Cousin’s War series, amazing reads. I love historical fiction, I am a bit of a history fanatic.
Movie: There are so many, I am a movie buff. LOVE the Harry Potter and Twilight series, geekish I know! Pearl Harbour is definitely a favourite too.
Bands: Florence and The Machine, Birds of Tokyo
Singer: Dallas Green / City and Colour

          Till next time,
Sarah xox


  1. A few things in there i didnt know about u sar, now i know all smasher!! Xx kristen

  2. I loved this Blog.
    It's nice as a reader to know more about you.
    Thanks for the insight Sarah and keep up the good work. I am really enjoying your Blogs :)
