Tuesday 17 July 2012

Change....Embrace it!

To say I love music is an understatement. Whether it’s listening to music, or playing my piano, I can lose myself in it.  Music is a part of me.

I love how you can hear a song and it evokes certain emotions in you or the fact it can instantly transport you back to a certain time and place in your past.

On my way home from work today, while my iPod was on shuffle, an old favourite came on. “Landslide” performed by the Dixie Chicks.

The chorus in particular struck a chord with me: “Oh mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life……”

It got me thinking about change and how life is a constant changing thing. 

There are so many “changing ocean tides” and “seasons” in your life. It is filled with highs and lows, which build charter and we gain wisdom and grow from each experience.

Seasons may vary from marriages to babies, to love or loss, to joy or disappointment, to success or failure. This list goes on.

I know personally in my short 26 years there have been many seasons already, with many more to come I am sure. But these changes, or seasons, are the obstacles and challenges that have shaped my life.

Some would say, I am a creature of habit and like to be in control (just ask my husband), so change for me personally is a scary thing.  However, I am learning to embrace change! Little by little. Because I believe without change we don’t grow.

I believe the key to change is letting go of the fear of it and of the unknown, but most importantly remaining true to yourself. 

Change is what you make it! You can either embrace it or fight it, either way it will happen, change is inevitable.

If we want to improve ourselves and our lives, we need to embrace it.

So go on and embrace it!

Till next time,
Sarah xox


  1. Please feel free to leave your thoughts xox

  2. Great blog Sissy!! What wise words, thank you for sharing them with us, this blog is exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of today. I look forward to your next blog.. Here's to change!! Love you xxx

  3. I can totally relate!! I will definetely keep reading your blog!! good work Hun <3

  4. I agree sar, the seasons or changes can happen so fast before our eyes, its hard to accept them but i like how you suggested to embrace them, thanks for sharing your writing with me xx kristen

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sez!!! Very true, our positive & negative experiences make us the person we are today... Look forward to the next installment!! Love Kate xx

  6. Very inspirational Sez!! Very relatable because we all go through our ups and downs in life!! Good on you for speaking your mind! :) More respect earned :)

  7. I agree with Christian - inspirational. Isn't it funny how you can read something like this and feel uplifted and motivated all of a sudden?! Thanks Sarah!
