Saturday 21 July 2012

The Smaller Things in Life

Life these days is busy!

Part of the reason I created my Blog was to help me process everything going on in my head. Some days it’s so full I think it will burst.

The last few months have been hectic for me, at work, socially and at home. It’s easy when things are so busy, to lose sight of the bigger picture and to get stuck in a rut. I was at the point where every time my phone, the computer or tv made a noise I wanted to throw them out the window. I was craving peace and a new perspective.

A few weeks ago at work, I was talking to a friend while waiting in line at the canteen. We were both talking (complaining) about how busy and stressed we were. We both agreed that life is hectic these days and we lack the time to think straight.

Another female employee had overheard our conversation, so she approached us to say “what are you girls complaining about! You don’t have kids, so obviously you don’t know the meaning of busy or stress!”

Wow! How is that for an honest opinion I thought to myself. Thanks for your piece of advice lady, but had I wanted your opinion a) I would have been talking to you directly, instead of you eavesdropping on our conversation; and b) I would have asked for it!

Just because I don’t have kids yet, doesn’t mean I don’t know what being busy or stressed is. Trust me, I know! It's just I don't have kids factored into my definition of busy yet. But I guess being busy/stressed/tired is all relevant to your situation isn’t it? Everyone is in different situations and has different degrees of busy and stress in their lives.

After I got over the initial sting of her comment, I thought you know what, maybe that was the perspective I needed? The kick in the backside to make me get over it and to remind me to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Yes life is busy, but so what? If that is my only drama then I am doing ok. My vision had been clouded; the overwhelming feeling of how tired, busy and stressed I was had been consuming me. But thanks to a rather abrupt fellow employee, it became clearer. 

I took the step back I needed to put things back into perspective and to find some balance. Trying to find that balance is hard, and it is something we all have to work at. It is a constant juggling act – insert mental image here: a picture of a circus monkey juggling batons.

So now, every day I make sure I slow down and take the time to appreciate the smaller things in life. We can often get caught up in life and its dramas that we forget to appreciate those smaller things. For me, its simple things like the beauty of a sunrise, a warm embrace from my husband, or even the simplicity of making a cup of tea.

Now my favourite part of the day, is the drive to work (well, other than the coming home part). I drive through the most beautiful country side, usually as the sun rising. I now take the time to appreciate the beauty in it and gain a clear perspective each day.

I encourage you to take some time out of your day, to appreciate the smaller things in life and gain some perspective. It will help you remember the bigger picture when the everyday dramas of life weigh you down.

It’s the small things that make life beautiful & fill us with joy.

I would love to hear your thoughts, feel free to comment.

Till next time,
Sarah xox


  1. Totally agree sar, life is so busy and hectic these days. Its hard to appreciate the smaller things in life when you are going 100 miles an hour!! We are all trying to live every minute to the max, but sometimes we forget the best things in life are free!! Xx kristen

  2. Good to put things into perspective... Glass half full :-) xx

  3. So true Sarah! I remember a while backed were both saying how busy and stressed life can be. It seems to me no matter how much school work I actually do, there is always even more that needs to get done. But I'm going to take your advice and start enjoying the smaller things in life as sometimes work can make u feel overwhelmed and burnt out. I'm trying to realize that even if the bed isn't made of a morning and the house is a little messier than I would like, it's not worth getting stressed over. So thanks Hun
